We Were Amazed



Bob Burnside, proprietor of Fireside Home Construction in Dexter MI, is the general contractor we selected to construct our accessory building - about 1,000 square feet, one room, heated and air-conditioned, with lots of brick and windows to match the existing residence.

Fireside Home Construction was one of the contractors recommended by our architect based on Bob's green building experience and awards.  He worked with us and the design team during this whole process and helped us stay on target budget-wise.  We appreciated his professional advice on material selections and his patience while we sorted through the alternatives.  Bob's practical experience (almost 20 years) greatly assisted us with the decisions that culminated in the most positive result.  As soon as the design was completed, we signed the construction contract with Fireside Home Construction in the evening of April 17, 2012.  The very next day at 7 AM, a half-dozen subcontractors started arriving and immediately put the first shovel in the ground.  

One of Bob's strongest suits was coordinating all the subcontractors and the building material deliveries so that virtually no time was lost waiting.  Everything was intertwined just so.  We were amazed that in 45 working days our project was complete.   

Bob's subcontractors were professional and reliable.  Most of them had worked with Bob for a number of years, which speaks to his stability and dependability.  In addition, their waivers were supplied to us in a timely manner.

In getting to know Bob over these months, now over a year, the best explanation we received from Bob regarding his ability to get things done in a timely fashion is that he has always been an over-achiever.  Bob is confident but modest.  Somewhere along the line we gleaned that Bob achieved his Eagle Scout rank at age fourteen.  Apparently early on Bob set the tone for the skill level which he applied to our building.

Sure, we had occasional but inevitable "bumps in the road" during construction, but these issues were handled expeditiously and to everyone's satisfaction.  Bob left us smiling and the project moved forward.

All-in-all we are very pleased with our experience with Bob the Builder and would recommend him in a heart beat.  If you are prepared to jump on board a fast-moving freight train, then Bob as your engineer will get to your station on time and you'll be a happy camper like us.  We couldn't be anymore satisfied with our building.

- Sally & Mark